
Bio: I live in Eastbourne and love living by the sea! I am currently studying Popular Music at University of Gloucestershire in the hope to work in the music industry. Iā€™m a Christian, so I am very involved in my church at home and love helping out in the community.

Fun fact about you: I talk in my sleep a lot ā€“ and sometimes even sing!

Favourite colour: Green

Favourite CSS Activity: Bounce!

What would your superpower be and why? Teleportation because then I can travel anywhere in the world instantly. I would go to Croatia first!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Either a singer or a teacher.

If you could be invisible for the day, where would you go? I would go to the concerts of my favourite artists and get right to the front, as well as sneaking backstage beforehand to see how it all works!